Isolation Protocal Post-Breeding to EVA Positive Semen
Isolation Protocol Post-Breeding to EVA Positive Semen
Mares bred to EVA positive stallions must:
- Tested for serological status and vaccinated for EVA following MBAH vaccination protocol.
- Placed in isolation for 21 days post breeding.
- 1st time vaccinated mares often undergo low grade viremia post insemination on the first breeding, and therefore are at highest risk of exposing other horses.
- It is especially important to prevent exposure to pregnant mares
In Barn – have at least 2 stalls separating the vaccinated horse from other non-vaccinated or unknown status horses.
Follow appropriate biosecurity measures to prevent spread of EVA virus to other horses
- Feed/water/clean that stall last; do not go from that stall to negative stall.
- Disinfect all equipment that comes into contact with isolated horse; halters, lead ropes, shovels wheelbarrows etc.
- Dump manure/shavings etc. from isolation stall in area where other horses can not come into contact.
Pasture Isolation – must not have direct or across the fence contact with negative or unknown status horses.
Follow appropriate biosecurity measures to prevent spread of EVA virus to other horses
- Feed/water/clean paddock last; do not go from that paddock to negative paddock.
- Disinfect all equipment that comes into contact with isolated horse; halters, lead ropes, shovels wheelbarrows etc.
- Dump manure/shavings etc. from isolation stall in area where other horses can not come into contact.