Preparing for Evacuation with Pets

Mississippi recognizes that in many instances, pets are considered part of the family.

If you are required to evacuate, please take your pet with you. If the situation is dangerous for you then it is also dangerous for your pet. It is often unknown how long an evacuation will be and it may be dangerous to return to an area to check on or retrieve pets left behind. Identify evacuation routes and sheltering sites prior to an emergency. Pet friendly emergency shelters are being established but it is best to find alternative sheltering if possible. If you have exotic pets or pets that require intensive medical care, it is recommended that you find a veterinary clinic in which to board your animals through the duration of the event. Information on pet friendly shelters, pet friendly hotels and motels, and veterinary clinics can be found on the Mississippi Board of Animal Health website at

Should you need to shelter your animal at a pet friendly shelter, you must have the following:

  • Written proof of vaccinations from your veterinarian;
  • Proper ID collar and up to date rabies tag;
  • Proper ID on all belongings;
  • Carrier or cage of sufficient size for the animal to stand, stretch and turn around;
  • Leash;
  • Ample food supply;*
  • Ample water supply;*
  • Water/food bowls;*
  • Any necessary medication(s);
  • Newspapers, plastic disposable gloves and trash bags for handling waste;
  • Favorite toy;
  • Cages should have the owner’s name and address, pet name and other pertinent information labeled clearly and securely on the cage.

*Water, food and medicines are the owner responsibility

Veterinarian services may or may not be available at the shelter.

  • Keep important numbers with you, such as

Your local Animal Control _____________
Your County’s Emergency Management Office _____________
Mississippi Board of Animal Health:  1-888-722-3106
Your veterinarian’s office: _____________

It is recommended that you:

  • Take a picture of yourself with your pet to aid in identification and matching should you get separated from your pet
  • Microchip your pet and register the animal’s number nationally