MBAH Regulations
Organization of the Board of Animal Health
Chapter 01
Public Records Request Procedure
Chapter 02
Procedure for Oral Proceedings on Rule-Making
Chapter 03
Procedure for Issuing Declaratory Opinion
Chapter 04
Animal Care Fund
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chronic Wasting Disease
Chapter 07
Disposition of Dead Animals
Chapter 08
Livestock Dealers
Chapter 09
Livestock Sales
Chapter 10
Equine Infectious Anemia
Chapter 11
Exotic Livestock
Chapter 12
Entry Requirements
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Psittacosis Control
Chapter 15
Reportable Diseases
Chapter 16
Scrapie Eradication
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Animal Rabies Control
Chapter 19
Bovine Trichomoniasis Control
Chapter 20
Approved Veterinarians
Chapter 21
Quarantine and Stand-still Orders
Regulations – Chapter 05 – Anthrax
It is the policy of the Board of Animal Health that after a diagnosis of anthrax has been made by a licensed veterinarian, the State Veterinarian shall be notified immediately by phone and with written confirmation made thereafter.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.
Upon report of Anthrax infection or death, the State Veterinarian shall issue an immediate quarantine. Said quarantine shall include the immediate isolation of sick animals and removal of well animals from the contaminated area. Under no circumstances shall animals be removed from the quarantined farm premises.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Quarantine shall be effective until sixty (60) days after the last vaccination.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
The State Veterinarian shall notify the veterinarians in the general vicinity of the infection, the imposition of the quarantine and advise the State Health Department, general public and wildlife personnel of the occurrence.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.
Burial of Carcasses
All dead animals, manure, bedding, or other contaminated materials shall be disposed of by cremation or deep burial. Dead animals shall be cremated in place and not moved or dragged unless cremation causes a fire hazard. If cremation of carcasses, manure, bedding or other contaminated material is not feasible for any reason, said materials shall be buried at least six feet deep and covered with calcium oxide (quick lime).
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.
All pens and livestock equipment shall be disinfected. If an animal dies in a barn or other building, the building shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a minimum .05 per cent solution of lye and water. All walls, partitions, ceilings and floors shall be sprayed with the lye solution and rinsed twenty four (24) hours later, before re-housing livestock. All trucks, vehicles, and other equipment used in handling, transporting or treating infected or exposed animals shall also be treated with the disinfectant.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Observation of general sanitary procedures is recommended for safety and the prevention of further spread of the disease for all persons who contact diseased animals. The Board of Animal Health personnel shall cooperate with State Department of Health personnel in the enforcement of state health regulations relating to this disease.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.
General Regulations
Anthrax is a reportable disease and shall be reported to the State Veterinarian and County Health Department upon diagnosis.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.
No animal shall be permitted to slaughter from the quarantined premises until sixty (60) days after treatment has been completed.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.
The State Veterinarian shall encourage the establishment of an Anthrax Team in each of the counties where Anthrax has been found to be endemic. The team should consist of veterinarians practicing in the county, County Health Department physician or epidemiologist, the County Agent, and Supervisor.
(Adopted January 13, 1992.)
Source: Miss. Code Ann . §69-15-3.